Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today's Ramblings

Today is the 27th of January, we accomplished our goal for this month. Last week we broke the century mark for bird species seen in January. A new personal record for myself. I have Birded since the early 90's and have never had a 100 species count for January. We went east towards Little Rock to Lake Mamulle and Pinnacle Mountain SP. Lake Mamulle is a huge lake that runs along US 10 going west. Pinnacle Mountain State Park was very scenic, definitely a spot to return to. Our next big trip will take us east again to the Heber Springs area at Lake Magness. Lake Magness is a wintering area for Trumpeter Swans. That will have to wait till the winter passes.
Today a gray winter day, with  winter storm on the way. Growing up in the Chicago area and enduring the four months of winter yearly. Winter in Arkansas is easily taken.  This should be the last real push of winter. As January closes spring looms ahead. Nice thing about Arkansas is that the seasons come when they are intended to come.
I have been unemployed for four months now. Prospect of a job is becoming slim. I am over qualified, overaged. Through God's provision we have manged to keep afloat. Maybe I should become a bank ceo, screw up the economy and draw a six figure bonus for my mistakes. Honestly I could never be that greedy. Being unemployed for four months we learn to choose between wants and needs. Hopefully the Lord has an answer on the horizon for us.

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