Thursday, January 14, 2010


The cold snap for the past couple weeks is over for now. Yesterday was a beautiful day, blue skies, sun and mid 40's. We took advantage of the nice wheather and headed out Fort Chaffe WMA. There is a pond where birds frequent. The warm wheather had yet to thaw the ice. There were a few Ring Billed Gulls and ducks present in the few open spots. We did manage to add a Bufflehead to our year list. The Red Tail Hawks were active today, we tallied 15 for the day. They like to perch on the light poles along the highway. They act as sentails along the roads. We also saw a few Turkey Vultures, Red Shoudler Hawk, Northern Harrier.
This morning it is cloudy but the temperature is in the 40's. There are subtle hints the grasp of  winter is lessening. The sun is setting a little later each day.
The nation of Hati and its people have suffered so much from the earthquake. I ask for God's hand upon them for comfort. To show his mercy and love, to give them hope in these trying times.

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