Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year

The new year well on its way. At the beginning of each new year I begin a new bird seen list for the year. Last year we fell short of 200 by only three. That was due in part that I spent most of the summer working and was unable to get out and Bird. The New Year brings new opportunities to start a new. New Years day we were up before dawn and the road to Sequoah NWR in Oklahoma with after trip to Lake Tenkiller for Loons. We had a great day and started the year with 70 spieces. Then a cold snap blew in from the north and froze everything. The temperature is rising the sun is shing. A Bird outing is a must for this week.
This is week sixteen of being unemployeed. We are living on God's mercy in our lives. God has kept us above water during this time. It is hard to be over 50 and looking for work. We just rely and trust in God that he has a plan.
Our little bird feeder station is always active. We have quite a cast of characters that come daily.
It is so fun to observe thier beahviors and interactions with other birds.

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