Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Saturday, we got up early and were on the road by 7 we were heading east on State Route 22

Our first destination was the Delaware Rec Area  on Lake Dardanelle AR. We were greeted with a flurry of various Sparrows (LBJ). Once the water was in view the lake was full of American Coots. Then a flock of  American Pelicans flow low over the lake. There had to be a least 1000 plus. What amazes me about American Pelicans here is a bird that looks so clumsy and awkward. It flight though they are aerodynamic and very graceful. Maneuvering   almost 9 foot wingspan and a five body to fly it so beautiful to see. Then it was unto Lake Dardanelle Dam.
The dam area had  American Pelicans, Ring Billed Gulls. Then was unto to Lake Dardanelle  State Park. More American Pelicans present, they stretched almost a half mile across the lake. Then it was unto Holla Bend NWR. There were Bald Eagles present, about 1000 plus Snow Geese. Te viewing platform had some  reamins  of an Owl's meal, two owl pellets were present.  All in al it was good day we got closer to the century mark for this year and hopefully we will break the century mark  before the end of the month.
Our prays go out to the nation of Hati and its people. That God will give them hope and comfort in these trying times. The best comment I heard about Par Robertson's irresponbile coments, "He is God's worse public realtions nightmare".
Our next trip hopefully this week will be Magness Lake to view the Trumpter Swans that come each winter.

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